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Vejledning til opgavesættet
Du skal besvare følgende opgaver: | |
Tekster til opgave 4:
4A: manuskript til tale: | |
4B: analyse af fiktion | |
Vejledning til opgaverne og skabelon
Den samlede eksaminationstid for opgave 1-4 er fem timer.
Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-4.
Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip
Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Tekster i opgavesættet
Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.
Assignment 1
Omskriv verballeddene i nedenstående tekststykke fra præteritum til præsens. Marker derefter de omskrevne verballed med fed skrift.
But did her mother guess anyway? She would wonder that, years later. And did she blame the girl? For she reserved for the girl a strictness she never applied to her siblings, and a critical tartness of manner that made the girl feel constantly stupid and dashed. Though she didn't like to admit it to herself, she didn't want to think she was unloved. Fifteen years old, she sat on her mother's bed beside her mother as she got ready to go to a function, her mother patting her own hair in the mirror, taking up her bangles and asking, Which one? The girl was flattered to be asked and chose with care, a deep blue and a turquoise to go with the colours in her mother's kaftan, and her mother, pleased with the choice, drew them onto her wrist. An intimate moment, for which the girl was glad.
Elizabeth Baines. “Kiss”, 2019.
Assignment 2
Besvar opgave a, b, c og d med udgangspunkt i nedenstående tekst. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi.
Find og skriv fire forskellige adverbier i tekststykket. Forklar for hvert adverbium, hvad det lægger sig til. |
Find eksempler på tre forskellige uregelmæssige verber i tekststykket. Skriv hvert verbum i infinitiv, præteritum og perfektum participium. |
1. Skriv nedenstående sætning om til en nægtende sætning.
He spent nearly two weeks travelling in Britain and Northern Ireland 2. Forklar med udgangspunkt i din omskrivning, hvordan man danner nægtende sætninger på engelsk. |
Foretag en syntaktisk analyse af sætningen: |
Prof Alston is an independent expert in human rights law and was appointed to the unpaid role by the UN Human Rights Council in June 2014.
Brug enten symboler [x, o, ⊗, Δ, □, ∼∼∼] eller grammatiske betegnelser. Vær opmærksom på, at alle sætningsled ikke nødvendigvis forekommer.
Special rapporteur on extreme poverty Philip Alston said "ideological" cuts to public services since 2010 have led to "tragic consequences". The report comes after Prof Alston visited UK towns and cities and made preliminary findings last November.
The government said his final report was "barely believable". The £95bn spent on welfare and the maintenance of the state pension showed the government took tackling poverty "extremely seriously", a spokesman for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said. Prof Alston is an independent expert in human rights law and was appointed to the unpaid role by the UN Human Rights Council in June 2014. He spent nearly two weeks travelling in Britain and Northern Ireland and received more than 300 written submissions for his report. Poverty in the UK is 'systematic' and 'tragic', says UN special rapporteur. BBC, 2019.
Assignment 3
Du er ansat i den skotske virksomhed Fitchpatrick & Sons, der fremstiller kvalitetstasker. I har modtaget en forespørgsel fra UrbanBags.co.uk i London, der er på jagt efter nye designs af tasker til unge.
Du er interesseret i at indgå en aftale om levering af tasker til UrbanBags og skriver en e-mail, hvor du præsenterer:
- Din virksomheds profil
- Produktsortiment
- Salgs- og leveringsbetingelser
- Forsendelsesmuligheder
- Særlige kampagnetilbud
Skriv e-mailen på engelsk til jenna.dash@UrbanBags.co.uk.
Omfang 200-250 ord
Assignment 4
Answer either assignment 4A or assignment 4B.
Assignment 4A
Poverty in the UK
As a member of the debate team at your college, you will attend the Oxford Schools Regional Debate Competition, which is the biggest debating competition in Great Britain. This year’s theme is “UK Challenges”.
Your contribution to the debate will be a speech entitled “Poverty in the UK”.
In your speech, you account for the increasing poverty in the UK. You discuss different attitudes to poverty and possible consequences of the current austerity policies.
Write the manuscript in English.
Word count: 800-1200 words
Use the following sources:
- Corbyn attacks May over food bank usage (1:38)
- Nothing Left in the Cupboards
- Poverty in the UK is 'systematic' and 'tragic', says UN special rapporteur
- Hammond: I reject idea millions live in dire poverty
- The reality of child poverty in Britain (7:32)
Assignment 4B
Write an analytical essay in which you analyse and interpret the short story “Kiss” by Elizabeth Baines. Part of your essay must focus on characterization, composition, theme(s) and message.
Write the analytical essay in English.
Word count: 800-1200 words
Use the following source: All sources must be documented.
Hent skabelonen til besvarelsen i menuen til venstre. Den indeholder sidehoved til dine eksamensoplysninger og felter til besvarelse af opgaverne. Husk at udfylde sidehovedet.
BBC. Poverty in the UK is 'systematic' and 'tragic', says UN special rapporteur. 22 May 2019. Viewed December 2019.
Human Rights Watch. Nothing Left in the Cupboards. May 20, 2019. Viewed December 2019.
BBC. Hammond: I reject idea millions live in dire poverty. 3 June 2019. Viewed December 2019.
Mirror. Corbyn attacks May over food bank usage. 28 May 2019. Viewed December 2019.
ITV News. The reality of child poverty in Britain. 13 December 2017. Viewed December 2019.
Elizabeth Baines, KISS. Best British Short Stories 2019. Salt. 2019.